Chief Executive
Head of the unit and responsible for all activities of HWB as summarized below:
- Safe and Efficient operations of all Heavy Water Plants.
- Planning & Review of Projects and R & D Activities.
- Seeking Government approval for planned activities and specific Projects.
- Approval of Contracts and Purchases as per delegation.
- Costing of Heavy Water & other Products and obtaining Government Approval.
- Recruitment / Promotion of Scientific, Technical & Administrative Staff.
- Supply of Heavy Water and other Products within DAE and other Organization in India for specified use.
- Export of Heavy Water and other products after Government Approval.
Director (Operation)
- Safe & Efficient operation of Heavy Water Plants at Manuguru, Kota, Hazira, Thal, Baroda and Tuticorin.
- Review & Evaluation of plants performance including Process Chemistry & Quality Control.
- In-service Inspection and Plant Life Management.
- Demand supply of Heavy Water from Nuclear Power Programme.
- Chairman of Heavy Water DAE Stock Verification Committee.
- Promotion of Non-Nuclear Applications of Heavy Water Energy Management / Conservation at HWPs.
- Budget Planning and Monitoring.
- Implementation of Capital Projects at HWP Sites.
- Nodal Officer for Parliament related matters.
- Transparency Officer of Heavy Water Board.
- Approval of Contracts and Purchases as per delegation.
Director (Technical)
- Development of contemporary technologies in the area of separation of isotopes and exploitation of spin-off opportunities for benefit of chemical and power sector industries.
- Demonstration and deployment of Solvent Extraction and associated technologies for recovery of rare materials from secondary sources.
- Development, demonstration, deployment of Solvent synthesis and production technologies.
- Identification of areas of sponsored/collaborative R&D projects and also providing co-ordinatorship with responsibilities to shape/monitor inter-disciplinary activities related to HWPs/HWB within DAE Units and outside agencies.
Associate Director(Operation)
- Export of Heavy Water for nuclear and non-nuclear applications.
- Work related to non-nuclear activities of heavy water.
- Supply of Heavy Water to NPCIL and domestic requirement.
- HRD activities.
General Manager (Technical)
- Responsible for managing activities of Electrical, Civil, Mechanical, Instrumentation, Information Technology and Chemical Engineering.
General Manager (Safety, Health & Environment)
- Responsible for matters concerning safety, health & environment aspects of Heavy Water Plants located at Manuguru, Kota, Baroda, Tuticorin, Talcher, Thal, Hazira and TDP at RCF, Chembur.
- Responsible for authorization of Scientific/Technical personnel for operation and maintenance of the plants, all matters concerning clearances and licensing of new activities / facilities that will be taken up by HWB.
- Preperation / updating of QA Manuals of HWB (CO).
- Review of QA manuals of all sites and its effective implementation.
- Co-ordination between site QA Heads for QA related jobs / activities.
- Review of ISI reports and M&OM reports of all sites.
- Coordination with site QA cell for Pre-dispatch inspections pertaining to procurements / Works.
- Development of Job specific SOPs / checklist based on technical requirements in line with QA programme for various stages of projects / process viz. construction, erection, commissioning, operation & maintenance and de-commissioning.
- Initiating Corrective & Preventative Action and its implementation w.r.t. QA programme.
- Audit activities as and when assigned w.r.t. QA.
Chief Engineer (Civil)
- Responsible for all Civil Engineering activities of HWB and all plants .
Head (Mechanical)
- All the activities of Mechanical discipline in Central Office, Mumbai including the processing of files pertaining to all projects &plants..
- He shall also be responsible for upkeep of drawing office.
Engineer In Charge (Information Technology)
- Procurement, Installation and O&M of all IT Infrastructures comprising of hardware and software systems at HWB (CO).
- Implementation & management of IT Security across Heavy Water Plants and HWB (CO).
- Maintenance of Intra-sites communication at HWB (CO).
- Execution , monitoring and supervision of projects of IT section
- Coordination of ANUNET and National Knowledge Network (NKN).
Web Information Manager
- Review the contents on HWB Intranet and website on regular basis and shall be responsible for keeping the same up to date.
- Interact with Public Information Officer/ Assistant Public Information Officer for compliance of Right to Information.
Engineer In Charge (Instrumentation & Control)
- Design, engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning of Instrumentation & Control systems for various plan projects in co-ordination with nodal officers at HWB/Sites.
- Review of proposals received from sites on Instrumentation & Control systems.
- Planning and Procurement of Instrumentation & Control system for Heavy Water Plants on requirement basis.
- Planning, procurement and maintenance of EPBAX system at V.S.Bhavan in co-ordination with DCS&EM & DPS.
- Co-ordinating activities related to Physical Protection System (PPS) at sites and maintenance of PPS at HWB, Mumbai.
Chief Administrative Officer
- Responsible for processing policy matters in subjects of Administration and liaise with HWPs/DAE /other State/Central Government including statutory authorities as required. Monitor implementation of HWB decisions in regard to Administrative subjects. Exercise financial powers within the limits permitted by CE.
- To deal with the matters related to legal, statutory and regulatory arising at HWB(CO)/ HWPs and also to ensure compliance of the above as applicable.
- To identify resources and ensure their availability. Identify training needs for the personnel working in HWB and HWPs and process with Apex committee.
- To ensure good house keeping, work environment and facilities for achieving conformity of the service.
- To ensure the management of effective communication within and between various levels and functionaries regarding processes of QMS.
- Staff Grievance Officer to deal with the grievances of officers and staff of HWB(CO).
- Liaison Officer for SC/ST to deal with the grievances of employees belonging to SC/ST communities.
- Vigilance Officer for Heavy Water Board.
- Appointing /Disciplinary Authority for Group C posts in HWB.
- Appellate Authority in respect of Group D posts in HWB.
- Responsible for Implementation of Official Language policy in HWB.
- Assisted by AO III & DD(OL).
Administrative Officer-III
- Over-all in-charge of Administration Section, which includes activities like Recruitment, Personnel, Administration, Industrial Relations, Welfare, Official language implementation, communication including telephones and fax, Security & Transport arrangements.
- Responsible for Co-ordination with AO/CGM/GM of HWPs ( Kota / Baroda / Tuticorin/ Talcher/ Manuguru/ Thal/ Hazira), and DAE in administrative matters.
- Sends regular returns to DAE on administrative matters including vigilance matters.
- Co-ordinates with Government and statutory authorities.
- Implementing and maintaining Quality system for Administration section.
- Providing advice to competent authority in Administrative matters.
- Responsible to identify, record, correct and prevent the occurrence and recurrence of any non conformity relating to quality system and safety in their own respective areas of activity.
- Initiating, recommending, providing verification for the implementation of solutions for activities affecting quality.
- Ensuring that quality policy is understood, implemented and maintained by all in their respective areas of operations.
- Responsible for emphasizing and implementing continuous improvement program by conducting section meetings periodically and by imparting training to staff.
- Responsible for developing quality management system with a view to ensure control of quality related activities of Administration section and assist Management in this regard.
- Responsible for ensuring availability of pertinent documents at all points of use and withdrawal of obsolete documents as per the retention periods laid down in DOC.NO.ADMN/QP/21.
- Ensures maintenance and upkeep of quality records
- Ensures good house keeping in their respective areas.
- Responsible for preparation, review, recommendation and expediting of indents.
- Responsible for budgeting and procurement of stationery, office equipment, transport, communication facilities, etc.
- Appointing/Disciplinary authority for Group D posts.
- Assists Chief Administrative Officer in all administrative matters.
- Functions as Head of the Office.
- The translation work from English to Hindi and vice-versa and vetting thereof.
- To acquaint the officers & staff of the Heavy Water Board with the provisions of the O.L. Act, Government rules & orders relating to Official Language and Hindi training and to help them in implementing the same
- To ensure proper compliance of the provisions of the official Languages Act and the orders pertraining to Hindi Teaching Scheme & Official Language policy in Heavy Water Board and its plants.
- To work as the secretary of the Official Language Implementation Committee of Heavy Water Board office and to convene its meetings from time to time, to prepare the agenda and minutes of the meetings and to co-ordinate the action taken on the decisions taken in the meetings.
- To make suggestions from time to time for promoting the progressive use of Hindi and to keep liaison with the Department of Official language through proper channel.
- To prepare the reference and help literature to organize Hindi workshops and to assist the officers and staff in learning Hindi and using Hindi in official business of Heavy Water Board
- To render services to senior officers of Heavy Water Board with regard to the implementation of orders pertaining to Hindi.
- To perform any other duty assigned by the senior officers of the Heavy Water Board related to the implementation of official language Hindi.
- Carrying out recruitment work including sending requisition to employment exchange/News Paper, receipt of applications, screening, holding interviews, selection, verification of C&A, arranging medical examinations, appointment, maintenance of Guard Files & issue of Circulars from time to time.
- Processing of promotion proposals under Merit Promotion Scheme like arranging screening committee meeting, holding trade tests/selection committee meeting, preparing proposals for creation/abolition of posts, issue of appointment orders, making necessary entry in sanction registers, etc.,
- Making arrangements for holding DPCs as and when required.
- Maintaining and updating statistical information on manpower.
- Submitting periodical returns to DAE in time
- Arranging training of Administrative personnel for career advancement.
- Maintenance of Guard Files.
- Maintenance of Reservation Rosters.
- Dealing with Confirmation and Seniority matters.
- Furnishing replies to the agencies on matters relating to recruitment.
- In the absence of Administrative Officer–II/Assistant Personnel Officer (General) on tour or on leave, Administrative Officer–II/Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment) will look after the duties and responsibilities of Administrative Officer–II/Assistant Personnel Officer (General).
- Responsible for maintaining personal files and service records for all the employees working in HWB and also the employees of HWP(Thal)& HWP(Hazira) in respect of matters pertaining to LTC, PF, RTF/CEA, Transfer TA, and all other connected service matters.
- Processing and putting up Grant of PC/Motor Car/ Scooter/ Cycle/ Festival/ Flood Advance and House Building Advance as per General Financial Rules/House Building Advance Rules.
- Fixation of pay on promotion as per Fundamental Rules.
- Processing of Pension cases etc as per Pension Rules.
- Processing of cases of closure/extension of Probation periods.
- Forwarding of blank CRs to scientific and technical personnel for the annual period 1st August –to 31st July and 1st February to 31st January and 1stApril to31st March,
- Periodical submission of reports viz., Annual/ Half-Yearly/ Quarterly/ Bi-Monthly/ Monthly in matters pertaining to Establishment section.
- Monitoring the progress of completion of Houses in cases where HBA has been sanctioned and monitoring submission of Insurance Policies by employees to HWB.
- In the absence of Administrative Officer–II/Assistant Personnel Officer
- Any other work assigned by AO-III.
- Interaction with union and conciliation meetings for Industrial harmony. With the object of promoting harmonious relations and of securing the greatest measures of co-operation between government and its employees in matters of common interest as also of increasing the efficiency of public services, an Office Council has been set up under Joint Consultative Machinery scheme in HWB. The issues pertaining to employees in a particular unit/region is taken care by Office Council. ED(O) is the Chairman of the council.
- Implementation of CHSS at HWP’s.
- Revision of license fee/Damage rate as per the orders issued by the department from time to time.
- Granting permission for retaining accommodation beyond the permissible retention period, wherever permissible and requested by the employees.
- Submission of Monthly/Quarterly/Half-Yearly/Annual returns relating to Vigilance Section
- Recognition of Nursing Homes & Panel specialists for HWPs.
- Grant-in-aid to Staff Clubs, Recreation Clubs, Residents Welfare Societies at Plant etc.,
- Matters pertaining to Unions / Associations Dealing with representations from employees / Employees Associations / Unions.
- Acquisition / Disposal of Movable and Immovable properties by Group A and B Officers;
- Monitoring of submission of Annual Property Returns by Group A and B employees;
- Land acquisition related matters.
- Submission of review cases of 50/55 years of age to the committee/DAE for retention in service or otherwise.
- In the absence of Administrative Officer-II / Assistant Personnel Officer (Establishment) on tour or on leave, Administrative Officer-II / Assistant personnel Officer (Industrial Relations) will look after the duties and responsibilities of Administrative Officer.
- Furnishing replies to Audit queries/Parliament Questions pertaining to General section.
- General Administration includes the activities like purchase and issue of stationary items to the HWB(Central Office) requirement, budgetary proposals, processing Payment of telephone bills, Annual Maintenance Contract for office equipment.
- Transport matter including hiring of buses.
- Housekeeping/cosmetic maintenance.
- Receipt and dispatch of official communications, maintaining inward and Outward register, Stamp accounting register etc.
- Printing and supply of service books and CRs/acquisition of property forms required for the HWB(CO).
- Payment of conveyance allowances from HWB Imprest
- Procurement of Uniform and other livery items.
- Booking of tickets for officers of HWB and officers of HWPs visiting HWB, visiting scientists.
- In the absence of Administrative Officer-II / Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment) on tour or on leave, Administrative Officer-II / Assistant Personnel Officer (General) will look after the duties and responsibilities of Administrative Officer-II / Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment).
Internal Financial Advisor
- Assisting and advising Chief Executive in all financial matters.
- Controlling and guiding the activities of Finance and Accounts in HWPs through P&AOs.
- Formulation and submission of Budget proposals.
- Monitoring of expenditure and submission of Appropriation Account.
- Scrutiny of files involving financial aspects.
- Monitoring of Audit Para.
- Assisting in preparation of Budget Estimates and monitoring expenditure with reference to Budget Estimates
- Assisting and sorting out all financial matters
- Giving concurrence to financial proposals
- Managing and guiding Accounts personnel in CO and other plants.
- Improving skills by imparting guidance and training and motivating
- Accounts personnel in Central Office and other Plants.
- Review of Audit Paras.
- Review of payments/expenditure made to HWP Thal/Hazira/TDP.
Pay & Accounts Officer
- Authorizing payments including salary disbursement.
- Co-ordination of budgeting and monitoring the Expenditure.
- Guiding competent authority in financial matters.
- Scrutiny, Pre-Audit , Review of recommendation of indents and work orders.
- Sale of tenders, Opening of tenders, Negotiations etc.
- Scrutinizing the purchase proposals and passing of purchase bills.
- Rendering Information (MIS)/Returns periodically to HWB & DAE.
- Making payment to M/s.KribhCO/RCF against O&M Contract/ Agreement.
- Making payment towards Contingencies, Work Order.
- Accounting receipt against export, transfer of technology etc.
- Reply to the various queries on financial matters
- Examine proposals received from various Agencies for financial
- concurrence.
- Maintenance of EMD/SD Registers
- Drawal of pay & allowance of staff working at HWB Central Office;
- Maintenance of PF accounts, DDR balances
- Drawal of PF and long term advances, watching its remittances.
- Issue of PPO and settlement of final payments in respect of
- retiring employees under P&AO’s advise.
- Maintenance of Audit Paras.
- Submission of MIS Report to DAE.
- Passing of TA/LTC/Tr.TA Bills.
- Obtaining the budget proposal from the Plants & CO and scrutinizing the same and submission of the proposal to DAE after approving the same by CE, HWB.
- Ascertaining the final fund requirement by the Plants & CO and intimate the same to DAE after CE’s approval.
- Rendition of monthly account of HWB(CO) to Principal Accounts
- Office, DAE
- Reporting the status of expenditure vis-à-vis provision on monthly
- basis to CE and other Superiors.
- Submission of Pay & Allowance statement to Min. of Finance/DAE on quarterly basis.
- Submission of Appropriation Accounts to DAE based on the Information obtained from the Plants and CO.
- Raising debits for the surplus material issued by HW Stores and accounting the same.
- Preparing draft replies to questions raised by Standing Committee on Energy on budget related matters.
- Working out the cost of production of heavy water.
- Notifying the pool rate for lease & loss charges
- Preparing the Performa Account of Heavy Water pool Management
- Authorizing payments including salary disbursement.
- Co-ordination of budgeting and monitoring the Expenditure.
- Guiding competent authority in financial matters.
- Scrutiny, Pre-Audit , Review of recommendation of indents and work orders.
- Sale of tenders, Opening of tenders, Negotiations etc.
- Scrutinizing the purchase proposals and passing of purchase bills.
- Rendering Information (MIS)/Returns periodically to HWB & DAE.