Other than the prime mandate of designing, operating, maintaining Heavy Water Plants to produce Heavy Water in cost effective and ecofriendly manner to meet domestic as well as export requirement if any, Heavy Water Board is also involved in –
- Identifying and promoting non-nuclear applications of Heavy Water / Deuterium in industrial and medical fields.
- Development and deployment of spin off, allied and separation technologies on industrial scale for lighter molecules like 18O enriched water, Hydrogen, Helium etc..
- Production of various metals, gas and organo phosphorous solvents like Boron, Sodium, K-metal, Tri-Butyl Phosphate, D2EHPA, TIAP, DHOA, TOPO, BF3 gas.
- Production of deuterated compounds.
- Production of solar electricity & supply of surplus electricity to grid.
- Supply of fly ash for ecofriendly uses like production of cement, fly ash bricks, mine stowing, embankment filling etc.