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Heavy Water Board, in line with its Safety Policy has established Safety Management Systems at Plant level to ensure that all plant activities are carried out in safe manner. Excellent safety record of HWPs / HWBFs is outcome of its effective Safety Management System and strong safety culture with commitment of work force towards safety.
Operation of Heavy Water Plants and Heavy Water Board Facilities involves handling of large quantity of hazardous chemicals. The risk associated with the processes employed is considerably eliminated by incorporation of safety features during design & engineering phase and also by adoption of operational and administrative safety measures during commissioning & operation of the plants. Experience gained in the course of operation of the plants gave scope for bringing about improvements during commissioning & operation of the new plants, thereby further enhancing the safety of the plants.
HWPs / HWBFs are complying with all applicable statutory requirements of regulatory bodies such as AERB, PESO, State pollution control board etc.
Safety performance of HWPs / HWBFs is superior when compared to other similar sized hazardous chemical industries in India going by the accidents statistics circulated by National level accredited body like NSC. On achieving the safety targets set by the competent authority at HWB, Safety memento scheme is in place to motivate the employees..
HWB and HWPs / HWBFs are regularly carrying out several promotional activities with regards to Industrial Safety, Health & Environment Management such as celebration of National Safety Week, conducting HWPs’ Safety & Environment Incharges’ and O&M Engineers Meet, Emergency Exercises, Periodic Refresher Training on Safety, Fire & First Aid Training to Contract Workers, Safety & Technical Audits, Fire Audit, & Exhibitions etc..
HWPs / HWBFs are accredited with Occupational Health and Safety Management System, Quality Management System and Environment Management System..
Last updated on: 23-May-2023