Independence Day 2019 Function at Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan
Independence Day 2019 Function at Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan
Speech of Chief Executive, HWB as a Chief Guest of Independence Day function at V.S. Bhavan
A very good morning !

We have gathered here to celebrate the 73rd Independence Day of our country, a blessed occasion for all Indians. Early hours of 15th August 1947 witnessed India’s autonomy from the British administers giving us multiyear of freedom - freedom from exploitation, freedom of expression, and also freedom to pursue our own goals. This national festival is celebrated every year, across the length and breadth of the country, with great enthusiasm and traditional passion. It is celebrated to commemorate with gratitude, all the sacrifices of the great freedom fighters who have sacrificed their lives, in getting independence for us. It is also an occasion to take pride in our nation’s progress over past seven decades of independence, and to prepare ourselves for greater accomplishments in future,keeping the national interests uppermost in our mind. It is my pride privilege to have such a great opportunity to speak to you all on this auspicious day.

Dear friends, over the past 72 years India has achieved remarkable growth in various fields including agriculture, infrastructure, services & utilities, education, healthcare, science & technology, economy, IT, BT & NT, and many more. Our country with a large digitally enabled population, has not only moved forward,leaps and bound, but is on its way to becoming a superpower.

This Independence day also commensurate with 150th birth anniversary of Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October. Kritgya Bharat is commemorating the occasion by 2 year long celebration from 2nd October 2918 to 2020. The indebted nation is committed to accomplish Bapu’s mission of Swachchataa.Towards this a nationwide campaign “Swachha Bharat Abhiyan” is operational since 2014 by the Government of India which is paying rich dividend now. DAE is proactively supporting this mission through various technologies including those for sludge hygeinization, biomethanation, water purification, and many more.

Dear friends, this year the nation is celebrating 100th anniversary of Dr Vikram Sarabhai, the legendary space scientist and renowned physicist who was a rare combination of a scientist, an innovator, industrialist and a visionary leader. Under his noble stewardship during 1966 to 1971, he has founded several strategic and societal institutes of high relevance. He was the founding Chairman of Heavy Water Projects Board on May 01, 1969, and the HWB is celebrating Golden Jubilee this year. Our beloved Prime Minister has described him as an inspiration for budding scientists, while addressing the ISRO & DAE scientist and public at the commemorative function for Centenary Celebrations of Dr Vikram Sarabhai at Ahmedabad. PM said that the country has to take ahead the legacy of science and technology Dr Sarabhai has left.

Dear friends, in the recent past, India has witnessed commendable transformation in several arena including social, economical, geographical, industrial, cultural,political and science & technology. Indian economy is now aimed at prosperity for its 1.3 billion citizens by transforming the way the economy creates value. India has now become the world’s 6th largest economy in terms of Gross Domestic Product and is one of the fastest growing economy with the total value close to US$ 3 trillion. India is now marching towards the goal of becoming a 5 Trillion US$ economy by 2024. .

Dear friends, in the past 65 years of inception, Department of Atomic Energy has made exceptional contribution to the society and the nation at large in the field of nuclear science and technology. Today, India is recognized as one of the developed nations in the use of nuclear technologies in diverse field ranging from energy to agriculture, from healthcare to waste management, water to environment. In the energy sector, DAE has achieved 6.78 GW production and is set to go 13.5 GW by 2024. India’s Kaiga Generating Station has created world record of continuous plant operation breaking the existing 940 days record.

Dear friends, Directorate of Construction, Services and Estate Management is executing the challenging task of various activities pertaining to construction & maintenance of Housing, Hostels, Schools, Hospitals, Laboratories and various public buildings for units of DAE including aided institutions. In addition, DCSEM is providing Estate Management and security services for the housing colony of DAE at Anushaktinagar and in different part of Mumbai City. DCSEM is outperforming in construction and maintenance services in harmony with the nature and environment. Creation of world-class DAE Convention Centre, Cultural Centre, construction of housing and other facilities in Mumbai and other location as per schedule, construction of R&D Lab at AMD, AERB Office Complex at VECC, preliminary work for LIGO-India project at Aundha, work for GCNEP, Bahadurgarh, renovation of existing houses in Anushaktinagar, on-line allotment of houses, setting up wet garbage composting plant are the few noteworthy achievements of DCSEM.

Dear friends, Directorate of Purchase & Stores is providing valuable services to all DAE units through timely procurement and supply of materials. While using the advanced purchase system and technology, DPS is ensuring compliance of codes and practices established by government. On line tendering process introduced by DPS is now working in full swing, reducing lead time of evaluation and complexity of tendering process. DPS is further putting efforts for making online payment timely with maximum accuracy. DPS has introduced material management system for BARC to ensure the confidentiality of departmental data.

Dear friends, Heavy Water Board is contributing to DAE’s multifarious mandate through production of varied nuclear grade products including heavy water, solvents for hydrometallurgy, Boron isotopes, Deuterium labeled compounds etc. In addition, HWB is also working on production of Oxygen-18 water, nuclear grade Sodium as well as various developmental projects. In addition, HWB has also ventured in developing technologies to support Indian Nuclear Power Programme. While making India as the largest producer of heavy water in the world, HWB has established itself as a trusted global supplier of heavy water. Our Heavy Water Plants are operating with benchmark performance creating many records. HWP Hazira has achieved 126.4% of targeted heavy water production with approximately 15% lower specific energy consumption than target for FY 2018-19.

Dear friends, HWB is operating oxygen-18 enrichment plant for production of O-18 enriched water, and medical grade product is expected by next year. To harness the anti-cancer potential of deuterium depleted water, we are exploring the avenues to market DDW in large quantities to Indian industries. Under collaborative agreement, HWB has been supplying Heavy Water to Indian parties for development of deuterated compounds and products under “Make in India” scheme. The Board is also working in a few more vital and strategic areas like production of Cobalt, Gallium, magnesium, nuclear grade sodium, industrial scale Hydrogen and Helium production, etc.

To sum up, my greetings for this Independence day with the best wishes for time ahead. I am sure that all of you shall continue your endevours in strengthening DAE’s role towards societal and national development.

Thank you, one and all, jai hind.
Glimpses of the Programme

Independence Day 2019 Function at Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan

For More Photos click here

Last updated on: 27-Aug-2019